Review ICO SYNTHESTECH — Technology for synthesis of precious metals

Another period has arrived Technologies are changing the world. What once appeared to be outlandish today is as of now the truth. The hour of progress in atomic material science has come. It’s an ideal opportunity to spare the planet. In this way, let us comprehend what the venture incorporates.

What is the SYNTHESTECH venture?

This venture includes acing the frosty transmutation innovation of substance components. Frosty Transmutation (LENR) Chemical Elements — is a development, a progressive innovation for transforming one synthetic component into another. Shoddy things in valuable.

It is a probability to acquire platinum aggregate metals and other profitable things, including gold, from modest crude materials by simulated means.

The capacity to combine compound components will change the economy substantially more essentially, contrasted with blockchain innovation itself.

Wonder of icy transmutation has been found in late decades. The SYNTHESTECH assemble is building up this innovation. they have led several examinations and accomplished wonderful outcomes. Among these outcomes, it is conceivable to acquire platinum gather metals.

Blockchain — is an innovation to record data about qualities ​​and its exchange; it’s virtual data.

Frosty transmutation — is a strategy for creating esteems, physical and objective.

In particular, is the task going to be industrially reasonable?

Cool Transmutation of Chemical Elements (LENR-Transmutation) innovation is a region with gigantic business potential. The components that can be acquired utilizing chilly transmutation will be in awesome request in back, industry, drug, fund, industry, solution. The utilization of this innovation can prompt the production of new ventures. Esteem included and benefit can achieve a large number of percent. The capitalization of the venture can increment ten times promptly after the charging of the new “Synthestech” research facility.

Will there be a business opportunity for simulated metals?

To comprehend this, take the case of a standout amongst the most significant Platinum metals.

It is outstanding that the world market for platinum (not taking other platinum gather metals) is right now around 8 billion US dollars. What makes this metal vital?

Platinum is a substance component of the change metal gathering, period 6 of Mendeleev’s intermittent table and, in light of its special properties, has a place with the gathering of honorable metals. On account of the low plenitude in the world’s covering, platinum is viewed as an uncommon earth component and is never found in its unadulterated shape.

Today, the interest for this valuable metal keeps on developing. Platinum’s one of a kind concoction and physical properties empower it to discover applications in an extensive variety of enterprises and national economies.

Because of the substantial platinum showcase, the interest for this metal stays high, which is the way to high costs. The Platinum Quarterly of the World Platinum Investment Council (WPIC) anticipated a platinum advertise shortfall of 15,000 ounces this year. As indicated by the WPIC, platinum request will increment by 2% of every 2018 to 8.03 million ounces and the market shortfall will continue for at any rate the following six years.

The expansion in the utilization of platinum autocatalysts likewise significantly affects request, as every single new auto are outfitted with outflow control frameworks. Likewise, bear in mind that nature holds are running out, which confounds the misuse of platinum.

Also, here is the SYNTHESTECH group. He coordinates his powers towards the advancement of innovation for the simulated union of platinum gather metals. The mechanical creation of platinum by chilly transmutation of concoction components (LENR/Cold Fusion) will make platinum more accessible for industry, pharmaceutical, fund, jewelery. This enables us to make sure that the platinum showcase is ensured.


In case you’re a Bitcoin Talk Newbie (or above), you can take part in our mark crusade that is accessible here. We have a scope of different bounties running for all to participate.

Our Bounty Pool will be 1 % of the aggregate STT Tokens ( up to 150 000,00 STT Tokens )

Add up to Bounty Budget will be assigned along all bounties as takes after:

  • 5% (Signature/Avatar Campaign)
  • 20% (Youtube Campaign)
  • 15% (Translation/Moderation)
  • 15% (News/Blog/Media/Article Campaign)
  • 15% (Facebook Campaign)
  • 15% (Twitter Campaign)
  • 5% (Telegram)
  • 10% (Ambassadors)

Rewards under SYNTHESTECH Bounty Campaign will be accounted week by week. Tokens will be dispersed to the ETH wallets of the qualified members toward the finish of the token general deal time frame.

Note: All abundance Payments will be Issued after End of ICO crowdsale and Token Distribution. (Permit no less than 1 Week for abundance counts and installment Assignment)

1. Signature/avatar Bitcointalk campaign

Up to 5 % of the Bounty Pool will be allocated in this category (7 500,00 STT)
Rewards will be based on the membership ranking in the following tiers:

1. Newbie: 0,5 Stake per Week. (Why not? Cheesy)
2. Jr.Member: 1 Stake per Week
3. Member: 1.25 Stakes per Week
4. Full Member: 1.75 Stakes per Week
5. Sr. Member: 2 Stakes per Week
6. Hero Member: 2.5 Stakes per Week
7. Legendary: 3 Stakes per Week

How to Participate?
1. Add a signature and avatar to your profile rank.
2. Fill the form

Terms and Conditions:
1. Signature should be retained till the end of the token general sale period, removing the signature before that time will lead to disqualification.
2. During that period you should make at least 10 posts per week.
3. Posts should be meaningful to be eligible, posts without meaningful content, which can be considered as made merely to raise the count, will be excluded.
4. Post should be 50+ characters long. Shorter posts will not be considered.

(Total amount of signature campaign STT tokens / total amount of participant’s stakes ) * amount of member’s stakes.

1. +10% stake bonus if you wear our avatar.
We will randomly check all our Signature bounty participants once a week at to ensure participants are wearing their signatures at all times.

2. Youtube Campaign

Up to 20 % of the Bounty Pool will be allocated in this category (30 000,00 STT)

  • High Quality :30 STT
  • Good Quality : 20 STT
  • Normal Quality : 10 STT

How to Participate?

Fill the form


Terms and Conditions:

1. Video must be your original
2. Video must have at least 50 subscriber
3. Video should be at least 1 minute long. Shorter videos will not be considered.
4. Videos must include link to the official website on the description
5. Must have Unique content (Copying ANN/news websites will not be counted).

3. Translations and moderation of threads on local boards

Up to 15 % of the Bounty Pool will be allocated in this category (22 500,00 STT)

- German
- Korean
- French
- Spanish
- Italian
- Japanese
- Chinese
- Arabian
- Persian
- Hindi
- Indonesian
- Malaysian
- Portuguese

Payment You can receive:
1. 30 stakes for translating the announcement thread and posting it on Bitcointalk in the corresponding language category and additional 1 stake for every positive and constructive post in your thread.
. 100 stakes for White paper translation.

3. 100 stakes for article in your language about us in the major news sites and blogs of your region.
How to Participate?

2. Fill the form

Terms and Conditions:

1. Using Google Translator and other online translators is not allowed. Participants using Google Translator will be instantly disqualified
2. There can be reserved only one translation per one participant. Applications for translation to multiple languages will not be accepted
3. Do not make unnecessary multiple posts to increase stake numbers, this will result in the posts not to be counted and a penalty.Increasing post count by making unnecessary posts is not allowed, and these kind of posts will not be counted.
4. Bounty Manager and the Team reserve their right to make changes to this terms or apply new ones.

4. News / Blog / Media / Article Campaign

Up to 15 % of the Bounty Pool will be allocated in this category (22 500,00 STT)

How to Participate?

2. Fill the form


High Quality: 500–1500 STT
Good Quality: 300–500 STT
Normal Quality: 100 -300 STT

Terms and Conditions:
1. Low quality, badly written News / Blog / Media / Article may be rejected.
2. News / Blog / Media / Articles must be your original work. You are not permitted to copy other people’s work and this will lead to disqualification. You can freely use all official materials posted at web-site and Telegram.
3. News / Blog / Media / Articles must include the active links to the official website.
4. Article should be 500+ characters long, news/ blog — 200+ characters long. Shorter articles / news/ blogs will not be considered.
5. The same content can be reused by the participant in several reputable web sites, blogs or news hosting sites (for example a popular personal blog, Youtube, Such repeated submissions can be compensated with 30% additional rewards at discretion of SYNTHESTECH team.

5. Facebook Campaign

Up to 15 % of the Bounty Pool will be allocated in this category (22 500,00 STT)
Payment will be based on stakes.
1 Stake per Week for Every Valid Facebook User.

How to Participate?
1. Follow the Official Facebook Fanpage:
2. Fill the form


Terms and Conditions:
1. Facebook account must have Minimum 140 Friends.
2. Facebook account must be original. Fake, dead, inactive and bot accounts will not be accepted. The account must be at least 1 month old.
3. You must be an active and regular Facebook users — comment, and share our posts.
4. Joining with multiple accounts is not allowed. user found to be using multi accounts, will be blacklisted.
5. Terms and Condition can be changed or more can be applied.

6. Twitter Campaign

Up to 15 % of the Bounty Pool will be allocated in this category (22 500,00 STT)
Payment will be based on stakes.
1 Stake per Week for Every Valid Twitter User.

How to Participate?

1. Follow the Official Twitter Handle:
2. Fill the form

Terms and Conditions:
1. Twitter Account must have Minimum 200 Followers.
2. Twitter account must be original. Fake, dead, inactive and bot accounts will not be accepted. The account must be at least 1 month old.
3. You must be an active and regular twitter users, and must be retweeting Twitter SYNTHESTECH team official tweets and updates. (At least 70% of tweets must be retweets every day)
4. Joining with multiple accounts is not allowed. user found to be using multi accounts, will be blacklisted.
5. Terms and Condition can be changed or more can be applied.

7. Telegram

Up to 5 % of the Bounty Pool will be allocated in this category (7 500,00 STT)

How to Participate?
1. Join Telegram:
2. Fill the form
Requirements to get paid:
1. You must join the Telegram channel and stay there till the end of Crowdsale.
2. An at least 2-month-old bitcointalk, twitter or Reddit (or 2 months older account in any social platform)

Terms and Conditions:
1. User must stay on the group till the end of crowd sale.
2. User must be active and supportive in the group. inactive users can get 50% less pay rate or can be simply disqualified.
3. Using bad language, spamming, advertising any other service in SYNTHESTECH groups not allowed.
4. Only one account on each platform allowed. a person found to be cheating by creating multiple accounts will be disqualified.
5. Having a 2 month older bitcointalk, twitter, facebook or reddit account is mandatory, using brand new accounts of these platforms will not be accepted.

8. Ambassadors

Up to 10 % of the Bounty Pool will be allocated in this category (15 000,00 STT).

As part of our bounty campaign, we want to attract industry experts, opinion leaders and owners of popular channels and give them a special status — Ambassador.
We plan to divide all the tokens among several Ambassadors ( min 10 Ambassador are required). We want that in Australia, Asia, Africa, India, the USA, Europe and etc. there was an Ambassador who disseminates information about SYNTHESTECH.

How to Participate?
1. Fill the form
2. Wait, our manager our manager will contact you. Spreadsheet

More details :


My ETH: 0xC3AF64F15C4a5D6772C320B2D523b889878ba145

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